E-Commerce Web Design Services
Taking your business online can be a little intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be…. We are available to help you along the way! However, if you are feeling that you are up to the challenge, here are some helpful tips that will help you make the right choices the first time and avoid costly mistakes in the future!
Which E-Commerce Sales Platform Is Right For You?
When getting started, you are likely to be overwhelmed with the wealth of information that is out there. You will hear all kinds of reviews and reports telling you which Sales Platform to use when taking your small business online. While this can be overwhelming, it doesn’t have to be. Focus on the things that are important to you and your small business to find the right E-Commerce Sales Platform for you.
I will list below what I have found to be the key factors that we used when deciding which platform to use when designing an ecommerce site for a small business.
1. Magento

Magento is our go to when we need versatility our market base. When a customer chooses to use our Ecommerce Web Design with Magento allows us to manage multiple stores, and support multiple locations, multiple language, multiple pricing and multiple currencies. We also have the ability to adjust our prices according to our customer base! Truly a good tool for flexibility. More details can be found here.
2. BigCommerce

BigCommerce really stands out in one area. Besides being a “nearly” all in one solution, BigCommerce does not charge ANY TRANSACTION FEE for products sold on their platform. This is a real game changer if you sell lots of products. Plans can be discounted at 10% when purchased annually. You also take advantage of multiple sales channels. This allows you a little more flexibility if you plan on selling outside your website on other platforms. The Support Team is always available and ready to help. We have not had to reach out to them, however, it is nice to know they are there for you if you need them.
Downside: If you sell more than $125,000 Yearly, or move more than 2,000 products a month, you will be subject to extra charges… (There is always a catch)
More details can be found here.

3. Shopify

Shopify has an ENORMOUS selection of Store Front Themes to choose from. You are guaranteed to have a theme that meets the style requirements of your site. Shopify has an App available on the App Store that makes managing and keeping an eye on your store super easy! They will also provide store owners with discounts to their marketing tools. Things such as Social media posts and other integrations are included with some of the discounts. This makes the Ecommerce Web Design much easier. Knowing some SEO tasks are handled by the store, is a big relief. They boast over 1200 different applications to automate the operation of your store.
Downside: Shopify is not free. Depending on your level of expected sales, you may end up paying a pretty penny.
More details can be found here.


Ecwid is extremely easy to use. Customers are able to give login credentials to an employee with very limited website experience and they can login and figure out how to use and control Ecwid. Our first store platform that we ever built was built using Ecwid. Last I heard, your first 10 products can be listed for FREE! Ecwid boasts much of the same features that all the other sales platforms do, however, the interface is just extremely easy to use. If you would label yourself as not being “tech savy” Ecwid may be your store platform….
More details can be found here.

5. Woo Commerce

Besides being a FREE option for a Sales platform, it is EXTREMELY customizable and versatile. Perfect for Small Businesses! It is the IDEAL sales platform when your Ecommerce Web Design Customer requires extreme customization. If your designer is savvy with CSS, they will be able to make the sales interface look like anything you can imagine. Granted, the amount of time coding a custom CSS may exceed the entire cost of the project. (2 or 3 fold in some cases). The benefit of Woo Commerce (besides being free) are the plugins that are available! Nearly every sales scenario can be satisfied.
Downside: There is not a 24/7 support line that can be contacted for Woo Commerce. They are a community based sales platform. Meaning, any problem that you have, you will have to ask a forum and wait for a reply. Most questions are already answered on their knowledge base.
More details can be found here.
These are only a few that we use the most. There are EVEN MORE out there that we have not mentioned, however, when doing your research REMEMBER……
1. What are the costs?
2. What is the ease of use? Can your entire staff operate the site without issues?
3. Security… Does it have any?
4. Scale-ability. You will grow…. It may take some time, but remember that your Sales Platform must be able to grow with you!
Let us know what you think? Which platform do you use? Any tips you can share to help others avoid the same mistakes?